What is the difference between the departure date and delivery date?
The departure date is the day on which your order leaves from Aalsmeer. You can choose the departure date when placing an order, immediately after logging in. Please note: this is not the day on which you will receive your order. You will receive your order on the delivery date. The delivery date is dependent on your chosen carrier and location address.
How long is the delivery time?
If you order before 11am, the delivery will depart from Aalsmeer on the same day. The delivery date is dependent on your chosen carrier and location address.
Are my desired items always in stock?
Our webshop is a real-time webshop. You purchase from physical stock. Despite our wide range of 9,000 plants, a popular product may be sold out from time to time. Please bear this in mind when shopping!
Is there a time limit for placing my order?
If you want your order to leave Aalsmeer on the same day, it is important that you place an order before 11 am. In addition, after placing a product in your shopping cart, you will have five minutes to make any necessary changes.
What does the five minutes of thinking time refer to when ordering a product?
In order to collect your order as quickly as possible, our employees will immediately start picking out your order from our live stock. This means that you can no longer cancel or change your item five minutes after you place it in your shopping cart.