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These are the best Mother's Day gifts

It's almost Mother's Day again, time to get everything at home to put all kinds of mothers in the spotlight! That's why we've listed the most beautiful plants & accessories!

Abutilon: Something different, but definitely an eye-catcher, this one on a stem!

Mandevilla: Every heart beats faster for this exotic beauty.

Solanum jasminoides: This plant has a long flowering period, so she can enjoy your gift for months!

Pelargonium gran.: Spectacular colors for a spectacular mother.

Phalaenopsis: The Phalaenopsis symbolizes femininity and elegance. With all its different varieties, there's something for every mother.

Kalanchoe dream bells: A striking indoor plant with its green-red lanterns.

Cordyline: What's more fun than giving a plant that stands for luck! The Cordyline Fruticosa is an exotic, palm-like plant with fantastic colors.

Anthurium: In the category always good. In the GTC, you'll find many beautiful varieties, below are our favorites.

Shop the products directly below or come by in the GTC!

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